Changes to Community Membership

As of today the John Richard Allison Library has changed its policies for Community Member patrons relating to membership fees, loan limits, and lending time.
Six month memberships increase from $35 to $50.
One year memberships increase from $75 to $100.
Senior's memberships increase from $35 to $50.
Loan limits decrease from a maximum of 40 items to 10 items.
Loan periods are an initial period of four weeks with one renewal of up to four weeks.
It is important for us to be a resource for the local Christian community. However, we had determined that our old membership fees and loan limits were significantly out of step with the membership fees of other theological libraries and these new policies bring us into greater alignment with similar theological institutions. Patrons who have purchased Community Memberships under the old policies will still be able to take out books under the old policies until their accounts expire; if they wish to renew their Community Memberships they will then be switched over to the new policy. We look forward to serving you.