Computers and Technology

The Regent College Student Association (RCSA) maintains six computers for use by Regent students, all of which require an RWL (Regent Web Login) account to login. These computers are available for word processing, research, and email. All the Computer Lab computers are connected to network printers. If you have problems logging in, please contact the Regent helpdesk at
The Allison Library provides printing, photocopying, and scanning services to our patrons using a printing services application called PaperCut. Regent students can pay for printing credit at the Circulation Desk. Community Members and students from neighbouring schools can purchase guest cards in the amount of $2 at the Circulation Desk. All copies for printing or photocopying cost 10¢ per page.
In order to access PaperCut and upload a document for printing, you will need to go to the following web address
Students will use their Regent login credentials as their username and password. Guests will use the username and password on the guest card they purchased. Printing can be done wirelessly by accessing PaperCut on your own computer and Regent students may also use the Computer Lab.
The Web Print screen will load automatically. In order to print your document select Submit a Job; choose Library Printer or Library Copier 2; choose how many copies you want; browse to find your document on your device; select Upload.
By selecting upload and complete, you will send the job to be printed. You cannot cancel the print job after you choose this step.
Please note that in order to print webpages, emails, or content that contains Greek or Hebrew characters, you will need to save them first as PDF documents and then print them through PaperCut.
Retrieve your document. Library Printer is located on the table near the Reference Desk and Library Copier 2 is located in the Library Copier Room beside the circulation desk.
There are no refunds given for $2 guest cards, though money can be added to guest cards. Please take care not to misplace them as there are no replacements for lost guest cards.
Students who require a refund for printing credit they have redeemed and/or who have a remaining balance on their PaperCut account may request a refund at the Circulation Desk.
An additional scanner is available in the Library Copier Room. This scanner has full public access, generates searchable PDFs, and sends scanned documents to your email address.
The computers located in the library computer lab require users to log in using their Regent login credentials.
Wireless Access
regent-student: This network is available for Regent students. Please login using your Regent login. These are the same credentials used to access REGIS and Moodle. If you need to reset your Regent Login Password, click here.
eduroam: This network is for UBC students and students from other EduRoam affiliated institutions. You would login with your home institution credentials eg. For more information, please see
ubcvisitor: This network does not require a password and is available for all guests.
A scanner is available in the Allison Library copier room for your use. The photocopier can also be used to scan and email documents.
A microfilm/fiche reader is available in the Media section of the library.
Cassette players, DVD player and headphones are available to borrow at the library Circulation Desk.
Accordance Bible Software is available on two computers in the RCSA Computer Lab (located in the Library). Accordance is a Bible Study App that provides fast and powerful search capabilities with numerous resources and tools for advanced academic research in primary texts. It allows you to view English, Greek, and Hebrew Bibles, as well as dictionaries, lexicons, and Greek Jewish Writings. The App also features Greek Classics with English Translations, such as Aristotle's Metaphysics, Politics, and Nicomachean Ethics.
IT assistance is available from the Regent College IT Help Desk. You will find assistance for Printing, Wireless Internet Access, and Regent login credentials as well as help downloading Zotero.
Click on the links below to learn more:
- Printing
- Wireless Internet Access
- RWL (Regent Web Login)
- Zotero